Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Checking In

It's been almost a week, since I last post on my dearly Northern Monkey. Been busy lately. Kerja banyak. Actually I have lotsa thing to write, but I just cant choose one. Can't decide on what to be translated into words (OK I was lying haha). Malas was more like it. And plus, it is Ramadhan. The malas-ness thickened. Later today, I shall be posting something again. Before I go, how's everybody doing? Yeah? No? Anyway I hope each and everyone of you are doing good. Despite of NMonkey not having any update, the unique count is still coming in. Thank you for stalking in and sorry for not checking in =)

ps: i think liana has a good sense of humor tapi lately ni shes a bit tight but shes allright

pss: awek model nuffnang's projek alpha sweet gak

pss: hi pojek.3 sundays aye?

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