Thursday, September 17, 2009


I was having a routine supper with my usual crowd. It was 3am. Suddenly we were talking about an unconventional topic, umrah. I couldn't agree more with Husni, that one who decided not to perform umrah due to some reason- mentally unprepared is okay. A good call actually.

We find, that it is no point to perform umrah if you are still the same person or worse before you performed it. You should be wiser after the umrah, I think. You know what I mean. Well of course most of you won't agree with us. Maybe we are able to opt not to perform umrah due to our unlimited chance to perform umrah without having to pay RM6k (current rate I believe).

Another 2 cents of mine. And Husni.

ps: this post meant no harm nor to offend any individual.thank you

pss: kad raya anybody?pm me for my address tehehe


  1. hahahaha siut siap quote gua tuh

    nak kad raya sub! gua dah dapat satu kad raya lalalalala (erk baru satu je?! dang, nway, thanks to the sender, so thoughtful of u!)

    letak duit raya dalam kad tu sekali sub, lu nak letak kunci ducati dalam kad tu boleh gak hehehe

  2. quote aa.kalo kena fire ada geng haha.

    aku xhantar kad raya tahun ni aa.
    dapat ada la =D tipu aa wei.uda holdings ada hantar.bank2 lagi.mana boleh satu.diorg hantar rumah mak lu kot.cuba balik check.

    demand lu skrg kan?

  3. hahaha kad raya dari bank2 ngan devekopers tak kire weyyy

    tu bukan personal touch nye kad raya
