Wednesday, July 8, 2009


It's a bit past mid day, and I just have a scramble egg breakfast with my jet-lagged brother, to start the day with. Coffee was nice.

This has just came into my thought. I seriously think my mates, the Kutus, and I of course, are seriously disfunctional. All of us. Why are we acting like this, at this age? Maybe because of that, we survived the hard days. Maybe because of that, I weathered my bad-hair day without any much hiccup. I don't know. Seriously I don't know. But if the disfunctional may be the reason, I am very glad it was. Lets continue laughing guys.

ps: kumar dah beli tiket here we come.mexican wave skit haha

pss: and hell f%^k i havent start any of the exam prep.awat malas sangat ni

psss: im too lazy to even blog

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