Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Morning With Frosties

It's the 2nd week since we've been going out. She never return my phone or reply my text last night and today.

I'm started to think that I screwed up again this time. I kinda really like her. A lot...

The frosties I had for breakfast this morning was not as sweet as it is supposed to be. This situation worries me a lot (the frosties not being sweet? duhhhh...)

But phewwww she is sick and slept the whole night. Lucky me!!! I am safe =) ...for now. She texted me the moment she was up. I hope that she will be well soon.

ps : how's my short fiction?love it?

pss: i want a 50mm lens!!!


  1. jiwang sial loeeee hahahahaha

  2. hehehe sekali sekala...
    nanti gua elaborate pasal post script tuh...

  3. sian loe sub..

    kenapa ni jadi camni...

    rupa ada, harta ada, hati baik, family man, knowledgeable, stylo...

    ape lagi diorang nak dari loe ni sub?? hilang akal ape diorang?

  4. kan gua dah cakap short fiction tuh...
    hahaha nape lu up gua ni???
    yelah yelah nanti gua belanja kfc...

  5. mama ko tertinggal satu,>>abang yang baik,cool lg sporting...apa lg lepa mau??hahahaha...

  6. Nak add satu lagi..sengeh memanjang..
