Saturday, August 29, 2009

The 8th Day

It's the 8th day of the holy Ramadhan and congratulation to all of us who has made to this far. As for me, tarawikh count is still zero. Haih apa nak jadi ni? As usual I will be mencari rezeki yang halal again today after a day off yesterday, which I think I have spent it wisely in my own way, of course =) .

Kumar has introduced her fiance to us; Hud(dah 2 kali jumpa), Ayol and myself. Hi Zay!!! And Kumar succesfully refrained himself from consuming a cigarette after iftar. Terer punya coverline brother. High five skit!

My brother today, made his way to Ho Chih Minh, Vietnam to spend his off days. Survey skit untuk trip kita nanti. But during Ramadhan? Good luck la eh. Just don't forget to get me something cool.

ps: to amsterdam for the last time this more amsterdam after this.jumbo ambik balik.lax here i come tehehehe

pss: visit van gogh museum seround lagi kot.poster+fridge magnet anybody?

psss: menang dry poker semlm.tapau taik judi.ehem

pssss: kfc for berbuka today yey

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