Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Post Holiday

Vondelpark, Amsterdam

Yes, Netherlands was a pure awesome. And I'm still in the holiday mood. But dang! I need to be back to work by today's mid day. Crap! Crappy feeling.

Husni throwed a small birthday celebration for me last night. And this is for the second consecutive year. Thanks a lot brother. Nice tiramisu. Kalau lu awek, gua dah buat girlfriend dah haha.

16th Birthday tehehehe

ps: thanks for coming guys.lovely card+great crowd

pss: 1889 of the trip's photos in my camera alone

psss: goalless+pointless=?

1 comment:

  1. the pleasure is mine bro, always..... hahaha

    kalau lu awek gua, gua dah throw lagi happening nye party bro!


    dun get me wrong eh lalalalala

    happy 16th bday!
